What we do

Hayaan Consulting uses multidisciplinary approaches to Hayaan programmes and provide people centred narratives identifying drivers and triggers to their Hayaan in relation to different topics that ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals and communities – both online and offline programmes– that leverage with grassroots-based perspectives and provide credible alternative narratives

Hayaan Consulting reaches and engages all sectors of the society, specifically far to reach communities with a development and human rights lens, forging to build tight-knit, inclusive and cohesive societies that tell their stories and perspectives on gender equalities, empowerment and development.

HAYAAN Consulting sheds new light on the phenomenon of different journeys to poverty, irregular migration and violent extremism and provide creditable alternative narratives with bottom-up approach. With the purpose of opening new programmatic and policy responses to different societal illness addressed by the people who face challenges in life. The alternative narratives also offer policy and programmatic recommendations for strategic coordination, early action, and responses to address structural issues and pull factors of poverty, irregular migration and violent extremism (addressing how people fall into poverty, irregular migration etc)

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